Birdies for Charity
What is Birdies for Charity?
Birdies for Charity, presented by Halliburton is a fundraising program designed to give local charities the opportunity to generate contributions through the Texas Children’s Houston Open Golf Tournament. 100% of your donations to the program go directly to the charity of your choice. The Texas Children’s Houston Open will also award the top fifteen donation-collecting charities and four randomly drawn charities with an additional bonus.

How it works:
- Click Here (or use the button below) and donate to The Periwinkle Foundation.
- With each $20.00 donation, guess the total number of birdies that will be made during the 2024 Texas Children’s Houston Open Golf Tournament.
- The person who guesses the right number will win a Grand Prize – a night in a suite at a 2024 Houston Astros home game!
- What a great way to support The Periwinkle Foundation and the 2024 Texas Children’s Houston Open at the same time. Don’t forget to share with your personal and professional networks!
- The deadline to submit guesses for Grand Prize will be Wednesday, March 27th at 8:00 pm.