Make it a Splendid Week: Slime Time

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This week’s edition of Make it a Splendid Week is full of sticky goodness! Highlighting a favorite arts & crafts activity from virtual Camp Periwinkle and Yareli’s creative writing piece about all its components….it’s Slime Time! This short article includes photos from virtual Camp Periwinkle, and links to the activity guides and videos for you to recreate the slime at home. Make it a Splendid Week!

Pink Slime

Pink slime is glittery. 
Its glitter is green.
It feels stretchy and a little bit soft and hard.
It smells like strawberry and watermelon juice.
It pops every 4 or 3 minutes when I squish it together.
It is good at doing stretches.

Here are some things you CAN do with slime:
You can pull it, make a ball, even make ABCs with it.
You can make fake food with it and turn it into yogurt.
You can stretch it out or make it into a swirl.
You can even make it into a bubble, but do not put your mouth on it.
You can even hear it pop!

Here are some things that are NOT allowed:
You cannot eat slime.
You cannot stick it in your hair or on your glasses.
You cannot throw it at your mom or dad or the babysitter.
You cannot take it away from your sister or smash it on your brother.
Do NOT throw it at your computer because it will stick there
and you’ll get in trouble.
Do NOT put it in your food.
It would be disgusting.
But pink slime will make you happy! 

Yareli, age 7

Ocean Slime was one of the Arts & Crafts activities campers participating in Virtual Camp Periwinkle created a couple of weeks ago! Campers used materials provided in their Camp in a Box to follow the instructions provided in this activity guide and this how-to video! You too can create this Ocean Slime at home!

Virtual Camp Periwinkle – Ocean Slime

This entry is a part of our series “Make it a Splendid Week”! Follow along weekly to enjoy excerpts from The Splendid Review, an anthology of poems, short stories and autobiographies written by talented young writers engaged in the Periwinkle Arts In Medicine Program at Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers.