An Update from Periwinkle: Always a Community of Healing

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Because Periwinkle is always a Community of Healing. We will be here. We will stay strong.

Today, and every day, Periwinkle is a community of healing because of our inspiring campers, artists, survivors, dedicated volunteers, board members, and committed donors. Our thoughts are with you and your family, co-workers, and friends as we continue to navigate a rapidly changing environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the greatest level of care and thoughtfulness for our patients, siblings, counselors, volunteers, and staff – we have made the difficult decision to cancel Camp Periwinkle, originally scheduled for July 26-August 1, 2020.

We made this decision based on the guidance provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Children’s Oncology Camping Association (COCA), trusted medical professionals, and dedicated Periwinkle leadership. A few critical considerations leading us towards this decision are listed below:

  • The uncertainty in the rapidly changing medical environment
  • Our appreciation and care for volunteers who travel from around the nation
  • The availability of our medical staff and volunteers
  • The willingness of parents to send their children to camp
  • Protecting The Periwinkle Foundation’s integrity and liability

While we are in a challenging and uncertain environment, one thing patients and families can continue to count on is The Periwinkle Foundation. Even though we are unable to implement Periwinkle camps, arts, and survivor programs in a traditional manner, we are committed to connecting with you in meaningful ways which continue to further our mission to positively change the lives of children, young adults and families who are challenged by cancer and other life-threatening illnesses and are cared for at Texas Children’s Hospital.

Please see below for an update on the creative and innovative programs we are operating in collaboration with numerous community partners.

Please stay connected with us through social media on Facebook and Instagram, via email, and by calling us directly at 713-807-0191. We are available via phone, conference call, and digital meetings, and want to stay connected with you! We realize these are difficult times for everyone, and Periwinkle appreciates your continuous support of our mission.

Because of you, we are resilient, and we will be ready to offer the best in Periwinkle Camps, Arts, and Survivor programs as soon as it is safe for our community!


Creativity Connected– A weekly collaborative interactive publication of Periwinkle Arts In Medicine Partners and sent directly to families.

Virtual Making A Mark® Gallery and Postcards from the Road Click here to view the online exhibit and send your postcards virtually today.

Virtual Day Camp– A virtual interactive week of camp for day campers and volunteers. Stay tuned for more information!

Periwinkle Glamping Gala – New Date! – The Periwinkle Foundation will be Glamping – Taking Periwinkle to The Next Level on Friday, October 2, 2020. Click here to learn more and contact Alice Rohrman with questions.