Periwinkle Day Camp Volunteer Application
What is Periwinkle Day Camp
Periwinkle Day Camp is a special place for children who are currently being treated for life-threatening illnesses at Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Center. Each year we welcome approximately 70 children between the ages 7-12, for one week during the summer at St. Vincent De Paul Church located at 6800 Buffalo Speedway, Houston, Texas 77025. Here, they can experience all the fun of camp without having to feel unusual or different in any way. Our campers eagerly await camp each time and every year it is more exciting and better than ever. Campers and volunteers do not pay to attend camp. The Periwinkle Foundation raises the necessary funds to bring all campers and volunteers to Day Camp free of charge. Day Camp is designed to provide a safe, emotionally healing and fantastic adventure that gives every camper (both patients and siblings) the opportunity to grow in independence and self-esteem. Campers leave knowing they are not alone, and they have what it takes to keep fighting their illness and face the challenges that life sends their way.
When is Periwinkle Day Camp
Monday, June 17 – Friday, June 21, 2024.
Camp will last all day from about 7:00am – 4:30pm.
Requirements To Become a Volunteer/Counselor
- Periwinkle Day Camp Volunteers must be at least 15 years old.
- Enthusiasm, ingenuity, and a love for teenagers
- Camping experience or medical knowledge is not required.
- Attend the volunteer orientation.
Volunteer Application
To submit your application, please click the link below. Your application will not be considered, and we will not reach out to you until it is fully completed. Your application will only be considered complete if the following criteria are met:
- Answer all the questions to the best of your ability.
- Fill out two reference forms and follow up with your references to confirm they’ve completed the reference.
- Upload a current photo of yourself.
Things to Know About Camp
Periwinkle Day Camp is organized and staffed by volunteers with the help of the staff at The Periwinkle Foundation. Counselors spend the week with a group of children, who are all about the same age. Each group has 8 to 12 children and three or more counselors, depending on the age of the campers. Breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided free of charge each day. Volunteers serve in many ways at Camp, the two most common positions are cabin counselor and activity leader. Counselors attend all activities with their group, including arts & crafts. Campers also enjoy other activities, including Sports, Water Games, Mini Golf, Mad Science and more. Texas Children’s Hospital physicians and nurses will be at camp to care for any medical issues that arise.
We’re pleased to announce that proof of COVID-19 vaccination is NO longer required, although encouraged, for counselors and campers attending Periwinkle Day Camp. It’s important to note that these changes are specific to Periwinkle Day Camp. However, all campers, volunteers, and staff are required to take a rapid COVID test upon arrival at camp, provided by The Periwinkle Foundation.