Make it a Splendid Week: Rex, the Red Dinosaur
Dinosaur Day is observed this week on May 21! Read about Rex’s adventure with young Cierre’s family. Make it a Splendid Week!

Rex, the Red Dinosaur
Rex, the Red Dinosaur
was running around my house.
He hid in the grass
and he jumped up
and scared Gram
and Paw Paw
and Uncle Leon.
They covered their ears
and then Rex jumped on Gram’s black car.
On the roof!
He went in our church and he sang:
“Yes, Jesus loves me
“Yes, Jesus loves me
“Yes, Jesus loves me
For the bible tells me so.”
Then he jumped on the ground and in the grass
And he ran around my house
jumped around my house.
Rex slept in Gram’s car.
And fell asleep.
He growled in his sleep
like this: RRRRRRRRRRRRRR.Written by: Cierre, age 3
This entry is a part of our series “Make it a Splendid Week”! Follow along weekly to enjoy excerpts from The Splendid Review, an anthology of poems, short stories and autobiographies written by talented young writers engaged in the Periwinkle Arts In Medicine Program at Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers.