Make it a Splendid Week: Sharks!

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The summer heat is heading our way, reminding us of times traditionally spent at the beach or in the pool. This week’s edition of Make It a Splendid Week features a friendly shark in Oto’s poem, “SHARK” and a crazy shark in Xamara’s artwork, “The Crazy Shark”. Sharing toys sure does have it’s benefits! Make it a Splendid Week!

Creative artwork tilted, "The Crazy Shark"
Making A Mark®
The Crazy Shark 
Xamara, age 11


I was talking to my friend shark
and he said, “Go fight!”
So I fought my brother.
Then I shared my toy with the shark.
We became friends
and did everything together.
But my friend was scared of him. 

-Oto, Age 4

This entry is a part of our series “Make it a Splendid Week”! Follow along weekly to enjoy excerpts from The Splendid Review, an anthology of poems, short stories and autobiographies written by talented young writers engaged in the Periwinkle Arts In Medicine Program at Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers.