Make it a Splendid Week: Shoes and Periwinkle on the Move!

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This week’s edition of Making it a Splendid Week is inspiring us to get moving! Whether you like high heels or sneakers, throw on your favorite pair and get going with Periwinkle On the Move! The month-long challenge kicks off a week from today, running from February 1 – February 27!

Register today and start working towards your activity and fundraising goal to ensure the continuation of emotionally-healing Periwinkle Camps, Arts, and Survivor programs!

Making A Mark®
Physically Strong
Alysen, age 13

Alysen’s little sister is a cancer survivor. It affects the whole family. Always remember to be physically strong, mentally strong, and emotionally strong.

Write a Postcard from the Road to Alysen, by clicking here. Alysen’s artwork is No. 225-19


Some shoes are tall.

Some shoes are short.

Some shoes have high heels.

Mostly, I like shiny shoes—

shiny tennis shoes

that have lights and diamonds and

rainbow shoelaces.

And the edges are rainbow, too,

and the zipper is white.

My shoes take me anywhere.

They make me run fast, but so do all of my shoes.

They take me to parties, school, and church.

Mostly, I wear high heels where I go.

Gloria, age 8