Make it a Splendid Week: What Your Hands Can Do

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There are plenty of gatherings, activities, and social interactions many of us miss while we practice social distancing. Though it may be easy to list the number of things we currently can’t do, there are just as many things we CAN do – and in new creative ways!

This week’s edition of Make It a Splendid Week features Emilia’s poem, “What My Hands Can Do” and Marcela’s artwork, “My Life in Dots”. How many of these things can you currently do!? Our guess is – almost all of them! So let’s get creative and stay positive!

What My Hands Can Do 

With my hands,
I can paint dogs and unicorns and cats
I can point at helicopters flying in the sky
I can whistle with my flute
I can grab a fork to eat my spaghetti
I can read my favorite book, Green Eggs and Ham
I can write I Love You on a paper heart
I can dance and eat cake and open presents
I can pet a cute dog that feels soft
I can wear a bracelet with colorful lights to match my fancy dress

I feel good about my hands because they make me feel joyful

-Emilia, age 6

Making A Mark®
My Life in Dots
Marcela, age 17

This entry is a part of our series “Make it a Splendid Week”! Follow along weekly to enjoy excerpts from The Splendid Review, an anthology of poems, short stories and autobiographies written by talented young writers engaged in the Periwinkle Arts In Medicine Program at Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers.