Volunteer Appreciation, Friday Spotlight – Behind the Scenes with Mara Buchholz, Diana Hecht and ExxonMobil

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As we begin to wrap up Volunteer Appreciation Week, we think it is important to recognize some folks who work behind the scenes at The Periwinkle Foundation! With a full time staff of 6, many people often say “How do you do so much great work?” The answer is easy, we have INCREDIBLE volunteers! Working behind the scenes at Periwinkle isn’t always glamorous, and often involves spreadsheets and craft preparation, but we try to keep it fun – which is easy with a couple fabulous ladies named Mara Buchholz and Diana Hecht!

Mara BuchholzMara Buchholz began volunteering in The Periwinkle Foundation office in 2013 and dove right in! She has helped us tame our databases, create new spreadsheets, complete foundation research and even design our Annual Report! Working weekly in the office, Mara really became a huge part of our team. After recently accepting a job at Amazing Place, another great non-profit, Mara has agreed to continue to help us with special projects! We miss her weekly visits, but we are so proud of the great work she continues to do and even more proud to call her a part of the Periwinkle family. Help us say THANK YOU to Mara for helping us change lives!

I was so honored to work at Periwinkle. The creativity and energy the staff brings to their work everyday made it so much fun to work there. It was clear that they not only love their work but also whole-heartedly believe in the organization’s mission.”– Mara Buchholz, Periwinkle Volunteer


diana hecht 2Diana Hecht began volunteering at The Periwinkle Foundation office in 2014 and we knew she was a great fit right away. Diana comes in each week, and is up for any task. She is our “go to” for craft preparation, organization and even entering items into our auction database for special events! Diana comes each week with a smile and we really feel like she is a part of our team. She handles anything we give her and always completes each job with enthusiasm. We look forward to Wednesdays with Diana every week! Help us say THANK YOU for all her hard work and dedication to The Periwinkle Foundation

“I was looking for something meaningful to fill some extra time I had since my full time “mommy” job was done.  I researched various non-profit organizations and immediately knew Periwinkle was the right fit.  Not until I started volunteering there did I realize what a great fit it would be.  I love everything Periwinkle stands for.  I love kids, I love art, I loved summer camp as a child and I absolutely love and admire all that Periwinkle does for these children and their families.  What an amazing organization and what an incredible and devoted staff of employees and volunteers. I volunteer in the office once a week and every week they make me feel so welcome. Sort of like family. I’ve only been volunteering for a little over a year now but I predict that I will be there for as long as they’ll have me.  It truly is something I believe in now and totally support.  What a difference Periwinkle has made in so many peoples lives and now mine!” – Diana Hecht, Periwinkle Volunteer



exxonFinally, on this Friday we would like to recognize a corporation, who through many employee driven committees serves their communities and The Periwinkle Foundation! ExxonMobil has been volunteering with The Periwinkle Foundation for over 5 years through their ONE EMIT (formally NEON) Service Committee as Camp YOLO bus loading volunteers. Twice a year, approximately 10 ExxonMobil volunteers brave rush hour traffic in The Medical Center to help us check in, chaperone and load up over 100 teenagers for Camp YOLO. They sort boxed lunches, take roll call and even schlep luggage – IN THE RAIN! We truly could not make this happen without their support behind the scenes! In addition, in 2014 the ExxonMobil Women’s Network group began volunteering at Camp Periwinkle for Carnival Crew! They helped us set up the event and then facilitated all of the fun activities which kick off a life changing week for over 180 children with cancer and their siblings. They even donated our carnival prizes! Help us say thank you to the countless employees at ExxonMobil for making an impact in hundreds of lives!

Why do we love volunteers? Let our Staff tell you!

Doug Suggitt

Volunteers are the heart and soul of The Periwinkle Foundation.  They give countless hours to make a positive impact in the lives of children, teens and families living with cancer.  We are truly a more dynamic and impactful organization because of their level of support and commitment.  Thank you for “changing lives for life.”  – Doug Suggitt, Executive Director