YOLO! The Places You’ll Go

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Nearly a month after Hurricane Harvey impacted the greater Houston area, 138 teenagers and 61 volunteers joined this past weekend for Camp YOLO to experience a sense of normalcy and comfort. Year after year, teenagers from Texas Children’s Hospital Cancer, Hematology, Cardiology, Immunology and Allergy, Retrovirology, Renal and Rheumatology centers return for a weekend to what many consider their second family. In less than 48 hours, campers form friendships with their peers and bonds with their counselors while experiencing non-stop camp activities like canoeing, arts and crafts, horseback riding, wheelchair sports and the ropes course.

This year themed Dr. Seuss, campers revisited characters and quotes from some of their favorite childhood books. Seven campers who graduated this session especially took to the idea of YOLO! The Places You’ll Go as they imagine life beyond Camp YOLO. A YOLO graduate shared,

“YOLO is the shortest yet most meaningful weekend that no amount of money or luxury could offer.”

These thoughts were echoed by many others who shared just how special the YOLO community is to them.

To see more great memories from Camp YOLO, visit the Photo Album here.