Make it a Splendid Week: Inside My Heart

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In this week’s edition of Make It A Splendid Week, we feature artwork and creative writing giving brief insight into the hearts and minds of two talented Periwinkle artists. The love, creativity, hope, and positivity flowing from these young people is just what we need right now!

We hope you enjoy both Melissa and Baylee’s take on love and the power of the heart.

Forever Love
Melissa Hernandez
Age 14
Even in the darkest times, love yourself as it will be your strength to keep on going. Shine like a star.

Inside My Heart

Inside my heart is
My dog Tucker
Who’s been by my side the whole time.

Inside my heart is
My family
Who loves me.

Inside my heart is
Making blue slime
That is goopy.

Inside my heart is
Easter, the month of my birthday
Where once it fell on my birthday
And I got twice the presents!

Inside my heart is
My community
Who always prays for me
And did a benefit for me.

Inside my heart is
The person who
Gave me my bone marrow
Who I hope to meet one day.

Inside my heart
Are my oncologists
Who cheer for me.

They even came to my football game
To watch me cheer!
And they even got on the field
And did a cheer for me!

Inside my heart are many beautiful things!

Baylee, age 12

To view additional artwork and to connect with the artists, please be sure to fill out a Virtual Postcard From The Road! Click here to view the current gallery and write a note to artists like Melissa and Baylee.

This entry is a part of our series “Make it a Splendid Week”! Follow along weekly to enjoy excerpts from The Splendid Review, an anthology of poems, short stories and autobiographies written by talented young writers engaged in the Periwinkle Arts In Medicine Program at Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers.

The mission of the Periwinkle Arts In Medicine Program at Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers is to provide enjoyable and educational art activities that give children, young adults, families and caregivers affected by pediatric cancer and blood disorders the opportunity for self-expression, empowerment and healing through the arts. Art encourages self-expression, and it is particularly helpful to relieve stress in children who are undergoing chemotherapy treatment or blood transfusions. Making music, singing songs, performing dance, watching plays, writing poetry, and creating visual art, is an important part of the healing process.