Make it a Splendid Week: Rainbows for Hope

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Perhaps you’ve seen it on the news, across your social media pages, or even in your own neighborhood! Amid isolation and social distancing during the Coronavirus outbreak, across the world – and now our nation – children and families are spreading love with rainbow art scavenger hunts and displays by hanging art in their windows and doors. The idea is to display the homemade art in a place where other children or people passing by might easily see it while getting some fresh air.

The display serves many purposes – some practical, and some deeply meaningful. Creating the art to display is an activity in and of itself for caretakers of children looking for activities to do to fill the long days at home. After creating and displaying the art, some children and families then take walks or drives on a hunt to view other displays by neighbors.

For many – the art represents an even deeper meaning than just an activity to do to safely to get out of the house. The art may also be meant to represent inspiration for anyone who may need it. For healthcare workers, anxious parents, curious children, other essential workers and more – the art is meant to share a message of thanksgiving and hope. In this article from ABC News, one mom shares “Some are saying it’s the rainbow at the end of the storm”.

In this week’s edition of Make It A Splendid Week, we join the initiative by featuring rainbow-themed artwork from the 2019 Purple Ribbon Collection from Making A Mark® and a creative writing piece featured in an edition of The Splendid Review

Rainbow Tornado
Rainbow Tornado
Joseph Cantu, Age 6
Creating art helps ease his mind and gives him something positive to focus on.

Joseph’s artwork, “Rainbow Tornado” is currently featured in the virtual Postcards From The Road. Click here to write a note to Joseph or other artists with pieces in the exhibit.

My Rainbow

My favorite colors are the colors of the rainbow:  

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and pink.  

Red smells like strawberries.  

Orange feels slippery like slime.  

Yellow sounds like a cricket.  

Green would feel like a frog,  

Kind of soft like tiny ones.  

I’ve caught 5 of them.  

Blue would taste like disgusting blueberries.  

Purple would feel warm.  

Pink would sound like the light notes on a piano. 

Cecilia, age 8

The Periwinkle Foundation believes access to the arts is essential to our everyday well-being, especially in the most challenging of times. Throughout the year, the Periwinkle Arts In Medicine Program at Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers provides enjoyable and educational art activities that give children, young adults, families and caregivers affected by pediatric cancer and blood disorders the opportunity for self-expression, empowerment and healing through the arts.

The program is uniquely positioned to encourage self-expression, and is particularly helpful to relieve stress in children who are undergoing chemotherapy treatment or blood transfusions. Making music, singing songs, performing dance, watching plays, writing poetry, and creating visual art, is an important part of the healing process. And now, The Periwinkle Foundation expanded this unique programming to include digital access!

Last week we launched Creativity Connected, a weekly interactive publication designed to provide digital access to enjoyable and educational art activities curated by Periwinkle arts partners. Featured artists and activities include song-writing with Purple Songs Can Fly, watching a stop motion animation film from Aurora Picture Show, and so much more! And – last week’s edition included an at-home craft featuring a rainbow spring mobile! How fitting!

To learn more about Creativity Connected, please email Erin Locke, Community Programs Director at

This entry is a part of our series “Make it a Splendid Week”! Follow along weekly to enjoy excerpts from The Splendid Review, an anthology of poems, short stories and autobiographies written by talented young writers engaged in the Periwinkle Arts In Medicine Program at Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers.