Make it a Splendid Week: Inside My Heart

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Get a peek inside the heart of a brave, young girl, that shows us the love and support she’s received through her challenging journey.

Inside My Heart

Inside my heart is

My dog Tucker

Who’s been by my side the whole time.

Inside my heart is

My family

Who loves me.

Inside my heart is

Making blue slime

That is goopy.

Inside my heart is

Easter, the month of my birthday

Where once it fell on my birthday

And I got twice the presents!

Inside my heart is

My community

Who always prays for me

And did a benefit for me.

Inside my heart is

The person who

Gave me my bone marrow

Who I hope to meet one day.

Inside my heart

Are my oncologists

Who cheer for me.

They even came to my football game

To watch me cheer!

And they even got on the field

And did a cheer for me!

Inside my heart are many beautiful things!

-Baylee, age 12

This entry is a part of our series “Make it a Splendid Week”! Follow along weekly to enjoy excerpts from The Splendid Review, an anthology of poems, short stories and autobiographies written by talented young writers engaged in the Periwinkle Arts In Medicine Program at Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers.