Young Writers Series: Tayden

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We are so proud of our Splendid Review writer, Tayden Ybarra, whose story was selected for the Young Writers Reading at Menil Fest! The Splendid Review is wonderful creative writing program collaboration between the Periwinkle Arts In Medicine Program at Texas Children’s Caner and Hematology Centers and Writers in the Schools.

Check out her inspiring story here:

Tayden’s Story

Today, I feel sad because I want to go home. And I don’t want to have cancer anymore. Everything is the hardest part. I wish everyone knew how hard it was. But I’m afraid to tell everyone because they’ll talk about me. But living with cancer is hard. I am not contagious. I have cancer and that makes me sad.

My cancer is in my brain and in my eyes, and it involves my optic nerves. That means I can’t see very well. And that makes me sad and I worry about my eyes. I’m afraid to go to school because people will laugh at me and talk about me. I’m scared and sad about that.

One day, I might have a seeing-eye dog. I’d dye her pink and black. She’d wear a tutu and tiara and doggy heels. She’d be my best friend. She’d be a Golden Retriever. But I don’t want a Pit Bull. She’d be named Tator Tot. She’d go to Walmart and Justice and Build-a-Bear and American Girl Doll store, and Disney World with me. To the cafeteria, to school. Everywhere! She’d be trained and would listen to me. I could take her anywhere. And she’d protect me. She’d let me know if there was a car coming. She’d be potty trained. I’d feed her, too. And she’d sleep next to me in my bed. I’d feel awesome to have a dog. She’d be my best friend forever, and I’d buy her a pink and black car with a “T” on it. She’d be spoiled.
